We strive to ensure that people who want to enjoy Japanese cuisine, vegans, and those with or without dietary restrictions can enjoy safe Japanese food.
MOON and BACK Ramen Bar Kyoto
Wagyu Ramen, Vegan Ramen, Glutenfree Ramen
Sushi & Sashimi, Dumplings
〒604-8056 京都府京都市中京区高宮町585
OPEN HOUR Check Google

MOON and BACK Ramen Bar Kobe
Wagyu Ramen, Vegan Ramen, Glutenfree Ramen
〒650-0001 兵庫県神戸市中央区加納町4丁目2−1 キッチン&マーケット 神戸三宮店
OPEN HOUR 10:00 - 22:00

MOON and BACK Sweets Bar Osaka
Canele, Sweet, Cafe, Vegan sushi Coming soon
OPEN HOUR 10:00 - 21:00

MOON and BACK Ramen Bar

MOON and BACK Ramen bar is a ramen bar that reinterprets traditional Japanese ramen culture with a modern sensibility and has locations in Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, and Sydney.
The owner and chef, TATSUYA FUKUDA, was born in Osaka in 1988. His career has been supported by a wealth of experience and passion both domestically and internationally.
Chef's background and passion
I studied industrial design in high school and university, and while maintaining my design sensibilities, I trained at a Japanese restaurant. After graduating, he moved to Australia and worked in the food and beverage industry while working in design. At the age of 28, he became head chef at Fine Dining in front of the Sydney Opera House, and went on to launch and produce multiple restaurants in Sydney, the Gold Coast and Brisbane.
Ramen bar’s commitment and features
MOON and BACK Ramen bar was established with the aim of spreading Japanese food to the world, and especially to convey the appeal of Japanese food culture to foreigners visiting Japan. Chef Fukuda has become familiar with catering to people with dietary restrictions through living overseas in Australia and South Korea, and has also developed menus that accommodate gluten-free and vegan options. We are passionate about making ramen that everyone can enjoy, taking into consideration allergies and other issues.
One of the features of MOON and BACK Ramen bar is that they offer gluten-free ramen. Ramen originally uses wheat, so it is usually difficult for gluten-free people to eat, but Chef Fukuda used his years of experience to develop a satisfying ramen without using wheat. As a result, we often receive compliments from people who avoid eating wheat due to allergies or health reasons, saying, ``This is the first ramen I've ever had in my life,'' and I find these words of encouragement more than anything.
Store development
Currently, MOON and BACK Ramen bar has stores in three domestic cities, Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe, and also has a store overseas in Sydney. While tasting Japanese food at each store, the mission is to spread the charm of Japanese food culture overseas through careful selection of ingredients and unique arrangements. Recently, world-famous star Madonna visited our store and tried our vegan ramen.
MOON and BACK Ramen barは、
日本の伝統的なラーメン文化を現代的な感性で再解釈し、京都、大阪、神戸、そしてシドニーに店舗を構えるラーメンバーです。オーナーシェフであるTATSUYA FUKUDAは、1988年大阪生まれ。彼のキャリアは、国内外での豊富な経験と情熱に支えられています。
MOON and BACK Ramen barは、日本食を世界に広めることを目指して設立され、特に訪日外国人に日本の食文化の魅力を発信しています。福田シェフは、オーストラリアや韓国での海外生活を通じ、食事制限を持つ人々への対応に習熟しており、グルテンフリーやヴィーガンに対応したメニューも開発。アレルギー対応などにも気を配った、誰もが楽しめるラーメン作りに情熱を注いでいます。
MOON and BACK Ramen barの特徴の一つは、グルテンフリーのラーメンを提供している点です。ラーメンは本来、小麦を使用するため、グルテンフリーの方々には通常難しい食事ですが、福田シェフは長年の経験を生かし、小麦を使わずに満足感のあるラーメンを開発。これにより、アレルギーや健康上の理由で小麦を控える方々から「人生で初めて食べたラーメン」と喜ばれることも多く、その言葉を何よりの励みとしています。
現在、MOON and BACK Ramen barは京都、大阪、神戸の3都市に国内店舗を構え、国外ではシドニーにも店舗を展開。各店舗で日本食を味わいながら、丁寧な食材選びと独自のアレンジで、日本の食文化の魅力を海外へと届けることを使命としています。